Our Aim


Aim And Objects of the Trust are:

  1. to establish, maintain and run scholarships for students and to render other kind of aid to students;

  2. to grant financial assistance or aid to schools, colleges and libraries/institution cultural and/or religious;

  3. to encourage and give financial aid to promote and organize any sports/games or sponsor them for good cause:

  4. to establish, develop, maintain and grant financial aid to hospitals, nursing institutions, dispensaries, child welfare centers and other such similar charitable institutions in India;

  5. to grant financial assistance to orphanages, homes for the aged; the physically handicapped and disabled or mentally retarded persons with specially emphasis on spastics.

  6. to render moral and material assistance or charity in furtherance of the above objects;

  7. to do all such things and to perform all such acts as may be necessary or proper for the achievement of any or all of the objects aforesaid.